How to find a YouTube video URL?

In this article, you’ll learn about YouTube Video URLs, what they are, and how you can easily obtain them via both the YouTube app and a web browser.

What is a YouTube video URL?

A YouTube video URL is a specific link that directs you to a YouTube video. This URL is unique to each video and contains a YouTube Video ID, which is essential for identifying individual videos. People often use these URLs to share videos on social media, embed videos on websites, or simply provide a direct link to a specific video.

Here’s what a typical YouTube Video URL might look like:


How to find a YouTube video URL via the YouTube app?

Find a YouTube video link via YouTube app in the following steps:

  1. Open the YouTube app.
  2. Navigate to YouTube video.
  3. Below the video, tap on the share icon (often depicted as an arrow).
  4. From the options that appear, tap “Copy link.”

This will copy the YouTube video URL to your clipboard.

How to find a YouTube video link via any browser?

Find a YouTube video link via YouTube in the browser in the following steps:

  1. Open in your your preferred web browser.
  2. Search for or navigate to the YouTube video.
  3. Below the video, click on the “share” button (often depicted as an arrow).
  4. Select “Copy” to copy the video URL to your clipboard.