What is Instagram User ID finder?

Instagram User ID finder is an online tool to quickly find an Instagram ID and user information of an Instagram user by entering an Instagram username. You can use our tool for free to look up an Instagram user ID of any user without logging in.

The tool will show the following user information:

  • Instagram user ID.
  • Instagram username and link to profile.
  • Follower count.
  • Following count.

What is an Instagram ID?

An Instagram user or profile ID is a unique numeric identifier for an Instagram account, created once during the setup of a new Instagram account. In addition to a unique ID, an Instagram account also has a unique username. The difference is that an Instagram ID cannot be changed, while a username can be modified.

You can use the Instagram ID for:

  • Show Instagram feed.
  • Search and lookup an Instagram user.
  • Get more Instagram followers with third party application.
  • Get followers and following count.
  • Social media extensions or plugins.

How to find your Instagram username?

You can find your Instagram username quickly via the Instagram app or via the browser.

Get Instagram username via Instagram app

  1. Open Instagram app.
  2. Go to your profile page by clicking your profile image in the right lower corner.
  3. Your Instagram username is in the center of the top bar.

Find Instagram username via browser

  1. Go to instagram.com and login with your Instagram account.
  2. Click on your profile image next to the heart in the right upper corner.
  3. Your username is showing on the left side next to the "Edit profile" button.

Make sure you use the username and not the name of the account. The username is always with lowercase letters without any spaces in between, example: commentpicker or 9gag.

Covert Instagram User ID to username

If you already have an Instagram user ID and you want to know which username belongs to this account, you can use Instagram username finder tool to convert a user ID into a username.

If you have any issues with getting your Instagram ID or Instagram username, you can always send us a message on Facebook or Instagram.