What is Find My Facebook ID?
Find My Facebook ID is a tool to quickly get a Facebook ID, such as a numeric FB user ID, group ID or page ID by entering a Facebook profile, group or page link.
Why do I need my Facebook ID?
Social Facebook plugins, like the FB like button and other social applications, require your personal numeric Facebook ID to retrieve the correct data. Our tool, Find My Facebook ID, helps you quickly and easily find your Facebook ID. With our app, you can get your Facebook Account ID, Page ID, or Facebook Group ID from both public and private accounts.
If you need your Facebook ID for any reason, our findmyfbid app can help you get it quickly. To use our app, we need access to your Facebook account. Make sure to enable the 'Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile?' setting in your privacy settings, as this allows our app to link to your profile and retrieve the necessary information.
Many users may have noticed that the website findmyfbid.in stopped working in 2022. However, our tool, Find My Facebook ID (findmyfbid), is still available and can help you quickly and easily find your Facebook ID.
Sorry, we can't find your Facebook ID
If our tool is unable to retrieve your Facebook ID, you can find it yourself by right-clicking on the profile, page, or group and selecting 'View page source'. In the page source, search for one of the following values: 'entity_id', 'userID', 'pageID', 'fb://profile/', 'fb://group/', or 'fb://page/'. The numeric value that follows the matching value is your Facebook ID. This method can be useful if you need to access certain features or services that require your Facebook ID.
If you're experiencing any issues or problems finding your Facebook ID using our tool or the manual method, please don't hesitate to contact us via Facebook or Instagram. Our support team is available to help you troubleshoot any issues you might be experiencing and assist you in finding your Facebook ID.