YouTube Channel ID

Find YouTube Channel ID, and related channel information and statistics.

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Get YouTube Channel ID

YouTube Channel ID Finder is a free tool to help you find a YouTube channel ID, along with other related channel information and statistics.

We support to get the YouTube channel ID, channel owner, channel start date, YouTube handle, description, live subscriber count, view count and video count for any YouTube kanaal.

To start, add your YouTube channel link, video link, username or handle in the settings and press the Get YouTube Channel ID button.

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YouTube channel ID, info & statistics

Channel ID
Channel owner
YouTube handle / custom URL
Channel start date
Subscriber count
Video count
View count
Channel description

How to find a YouTube Channel ID?

Find a YouTube Channel ID in the following steps:

  1. Get YouTube username, channel link or video link.
  2. Enter YouTube username or link.
  3. Press Get YouTube Channel ID.
  4. Grab YouTube Channel ID.

Prefer a visual guide? Watch our step-by-step video tutorial below on how to find your YouTube Channel ID or User ID with our tool on mobile, or on desktop via YouTube itself.

What is YouTube Channel ID Finder?

YouTube Channel ID finder is a free online tool to get a channel ID or statistics from a YouTube channel by entering a channel link, video URL or YouTube username.

The YouTube Channel ID Finder will show the following channel information and statistics:

  • Channel ID.
  • Channel owner.
  • Channel start date.
  • YouTube handle (custom URL).
  • Channel description.
  • Subscriber count *.
  • Total views *.
  • Total videos *.

* It could happen that the tool will not display any statistics of the channel. This happens when we have to search for a Channel instead of an exact match. Please make sure you are using the correct username, Channel URL or any video URL of a video of this user. The best way to make sure you include the YouTube statistics is by entering the video URL of the last video of the channel.

When using this tool you are agreeing to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service.

How to find YouTube Channel ID or User ID in YouTube?

Make sure you are logged in with your YouTube channel and not your personal YouTube account.

  1. Open YouTube and switch to your YouTube channel.
  2. Press profile image in the top right corner.
  3. Press Settings.
  4. Press View Advanced settings.
  5. Copy Channel ID or User ID.

You could also go to Advanced setting in the browser. You are able to directly copy your User ID or Channel ID.

Another way to quickly copy the Channel ID via the browser for any YouTube channel:

  1. Open YouTube in the browser.
  2. Go to the YouTube channel.
  3. Navigate to About tab.
  4. Press the share icon below Stats.
  5. Press Share channel.
  6. Press Copy channel ID.

How to find a YouTube channel link?

Learn how to find a YouTube channel link easily through the YouTube app or browser with these simple steps.

Find YouTube channel link via YouTube app

  1. Open YouTube app.
  2. Navigate to YouTube channel.
  3. Press 3 dots in the upper-right corner.
  4. Press Share.
  5. Press Copy link.

Find YouTube channel link via browser

  1. Open YouTube in the browser.
  2. Navigate to YouTube channel.
  3. Switch to About tab.
  4. Press the share icon below Stats.
  5. Press Share channel.
  6. Press Copy.

How to find a YouTube video link?

Learn how to find a YouTube video link easily through the YouTube app or browser with these simple steps.

Find YouTube video URL via YouTube app

  1. Open the YouTube app.
  2. Navigate to the YouTube video.
  3. Press Share.
  4. Press Copy link.

Find YouTube video URL via browser

  1. Open your browser and navigate to
  2. Navigate to the video.
  3. Copy the video URL from the browser address bar.
  4. You can also click the share button below the video and click "Copy" next to the link.

After copying the YouTube channel link or YouTube video link you can paste it inside our tool to get the YouTube Channel ID and other statistics.

Any issues with getting the correct YouTube channel or video link? Send us a message Facebook or Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers of frequently asked questions about the tool in the list below. Is your specific question not listed? Please send us a message via Facebook or Instagram.

A YouTube Channel ID is a unique identifier for a YouTube Channel. The channel ID can be used for social apps or services to show YouTube information or feeds.

Yes, enter the YouTube username, handle or custom URL in the input field, and we will search for the related YouTube channel. It could happen that it finds the wrong channel, in that case please try to enter a video URL of the latest video from the YouTube channel.

Yes, the tool displays real-time the live YouTube Subscriber count, as well as the view count and video count for the given YouTube channel.

The YouTube Channel ID finder is using the YouTube API to get the correct YouTube channel. Unfortunately, YouTube does not support an official endpoint for YouTube handles. The tool is using the YouTube API search endpoint which could give inaccurate results in some cases. We advise to add the YouTube video link of the latest video of this channel which will provide the most accurate results.

The YouTube channel ID Finder will get the channel ID, owner, username, profile photo, description and start date of the YouTube channel. We will also provide statistics about the channel, like subscriber count, total views and total videos.