Decision Maker

Easy random choice decision making for dilemmas.

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Easy Decision Maker

Car of bike? Red or green? Do you need to quickly make a random decision? Decision Maker is the online tool you need to quickly make an easy decision within seconds.

Enter all possible choices in our decision maker app, and we will generate a random decision for you.

This fun tool will make your life with all decision-making so much easier. The Choice Maker will tell you if you should do it or if you should not do it.

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Decision Maker settings

Dilemma & choices
Amount: 0

Random Decision

How to make a random decision?

You can make quickly a random decision via the following steps:

  1. Add a question for which you want to make a random decision.
  2. Enter all your custom choices.
  3. Make a random decision.

What is a Decision Maker?

A Decision Maker is an easy online tool where you can add a question and a list of choices. The decision generator will make a random decision based on all choices.

How many times do you have a moment that you need to make a small and quick decision? Sometimes it's very hard to make a quick choice. That is why we created the fun easy decision maker tool, so you don't have to do it yourself.

Choice Maker

The Choice Maker can save you so much time in your life, because decision-making is very hard. It will lower your stress level if you use our app, because you don't have to make decisions yourself anymore. Of course, if you use our choice maker it's at your own risk and responsibility. Always talk with your family and friends about important choices that you have to make.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers of frequently asked questions about our tool in the list below. Is your specific question not in the list? Please send us a message via Facebook or Instagram.

The Decision Maker is free to use without any limits for all your unbiased decisions.

The Decision Maker uses a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) to make a random decision based on all choices. It is not possible to have any influence on this.

You can make an unlimited amount of random decisions with our Decision Maker. There is also no limit in the amount of custom choices that you can enter in our tool.