Twitter Picker

Pick a winner for your X (Twitter) giveaway or contest from Retweets (Reposts), Quote Tweets (Quotes) or Tweet Likes.

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Free Twitter Giveaway Picker

Twitter Picker is a free tool to select a random winner for a giveaway or contest on X (Twitter) based on Retweets, Quotes or Likes on your giveaway post.

The Retweet Picker supports to select a winner from Retweets (Reposts), Quote Tweets (Quotes), Tweet Likes (Likes) from any X account.

To start, login with X (Twitter), add X (Twitter) and contest settings and press Start to select a winner at random.

Plans & Pricing
Retweets, Tweet Likes, Quote Tweets
Limit per 15 minutes
Max. 50Up to 500
Multiple winnersMax. 1Up to 10
Theme color, logo & titleNo Yes
Ad-freeNo Yes
Price$0 /mo
$9 /mo

X (Twitter) Login

Please log in with your X account and authorize Comment Picker app to read access to your account. With this permission, we are able to get your X profile information, (re)tweets, followers and replies.

Note: We can't post anything on your X account.

Twitter Picker settings

Type of X (Twitter) contest
Twitter contest settings & filters
Extra entries: 0
Enter each name on a newline or comma-separated. Add a name multiple times to give this user multiple extra entries.
Excluded users: 0
Add each username on a newline or comma-separated.
Learn more about the X (Twitter) contest settings & filters >
Raffle settings
Results settings

Start contest & select winner

How to pick a winner for a giveaway on X (Twitter)?

Choose a random winner for a giveaway on X (Twitter) in the following steps:

  1. Login with X (Twitter).
  2. Select type of contest.
  3. Choose giveaway settings & filters.
  4. Choose raffle and results settings.
  5. Press Get X (Twitter) data.
  6. Press Start to select random winner.
  7. Save & share your X (Twitter) giveaway results.

X (Twitter) giveaway settings & filters

You can customize the settings and filters of the Twitter giveaway picker to meet the specific requirements of your X (Twitter) contest. Details of each option are provided below.


X (Twitter) Contest Types

Twitter Picker supports three types of giveaways, contests, sweepstakes, promotions or competitions:

  • Retweet (Repost) Retweet to win contest, where a user gets one entry for retweeting the post.
  • Quote Tweets (Quotes). Quote to win contest, where a user gets one entry for a quoting the content post.
  • Tweet Likes (Post Likes). Like to win contest, where a user gets one entry for a Like on the giveaway post.

Unfortunately, due to recent API changes, we are no longer able to support contests based on Replies and Followers.


Filter fake accounts and bots

You can set minimum requirements for contest participants based on:

  • Number of followers: Exclude accounts with fewer than a specified number of followers.
  • Number of posts: Filter out accounts with fewer posts than your set minimum.
  • Profile Age: Restrict entry to accounts older than a specified number of days.
  • Must have bio: If the account does not have a bio set, they are excluded.
  • Must have profile picture: If the account does not have a profile picture set, they are excluded.

By default, there are no restrictions of filters. These filters help prevent fake or inactive accounts from participating.


User should like the Tweet

This filter is only available for the retweet contest type. A user is required to like the original post that needs to be retweeted, before the retweet will be counted as an entry for the contest.


Add extra entries

You can provide users with extra chances by selecting 'Add extra entries.'. In the provided textarea, you can enter the names of the X usernames who will receive additional entries.

These extra entries are distinct from existing entries and will be excluded from any other filters, only being added afterward. This feature can be useful for providing an extra chance to your X Followers, for example.


Exclude users

You can exclude Twitter user by selecting the option Exclude users. You will see a textarea where you can add the usernames of the Twitter users you want to exclude from the contest.

This option is useful if you want to exclude previous winners from winning again or block spam accounts. You should enter the exact Twitter username, e.g. @commentpicker.

Save & Announce Twitter Giveaway Winners

Learn how to save your results of your giveaway and create a public results page, ensuring transparency in announcing your winners.

Save & Share Results

Store the results of your contest and create a public results page. Here's how:

  • Premium users: Results are automatically stored to your dashboard for convenience and transparency.
  • Free users: After the winner is chosen, use the copy link or share buttons to save your result.

Announce winners: Share the link of the public result page to reveal the winners to your followers.

More about Premium

Which Data is Saved?

We securely store the following contest details for transparency:

  • Winners username, profile picture and link.
  • Number of entries.
  • Data of raffle.
  • X (Twitter) post link and ID.
  • X (Twitter) giveaway account.
  • Number of entries and draw date.
  • Custom logo and title (if added).

Individual names of entries are not retained. All results are stored for a minimum of 3 months.

Public Results Page

View an example of a public results page from the X (Twitter) giveaway:

Example Twitter Giveaway Resulst Page
View example

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers of frequently asked questions about the tool in the list below. Is your specific question not listed? Please send us a message via Facebook or Instagram.

Twitter Picker is free to use to select one winner from up to 50 Retweets, Tweet Likes, or Quote Tweets of a X (Twitter) giveaway post.

We use the official Twitter API, which imposes limits on the number of requests you can make within a given time frame. For Premium users, the following limits apply:

  • 500 Retweets (Reposts): 5 requests with a maximum of 100 Retweets per 15 minutes.
  • 500 Quote Tweets (Quotes): 5 requests with a maximum of 100 Quote Tweets per 15 minutes.
  • 500 Tweet Likes (Post Likes): 5 requests with a maximum of 100 Likes per 15 minutes.

Premium users can retrieve more than 500 entries, but will need to wait up to 15 minutes to load a new batch of Retweets, Quotes, or Likes.

Twitter Picker is free to use to select one winner from up to 50 Retweets, Tweet Likes and Quote Tweets of a X (Twitter) giveaway post.

We are using the official Twitter API, which does have a limits in the number of requests that you can make in a time frame. For Premium users the following limits apply:

  • 500 Retweets (Reposts): 5 requests with max. 100 Retweets per 15 minutes.
  • 500 Quote Tweets: 5 requests with max. 100 Quote Tweets per 15 minutes.
  • 500 Tweet Likes: 5 requests with max. 100 likes per 15 minutes.

Premium users are able to get more then 500, but this requires to wait up to 15 minute to load a new batch of Retweets, Quotes or Likes.

Unfortunately, this feature has been disabled in the Twitter Comment Picker due to changes in the new Twitter API. We are working hard to find a solution to support selecting winners from replies and followers, but have not been successful so far.

The Twitter Giveaway Picker now includes support for Quoted Tweets (Quotes). Quote Tweets are a distinct contest type that can be selected within the Twitter Picker settings.