Random Color Generator

Quickly generate a list of random colors in HEX, RGB, RGBA or HSL color format.

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Color Generator

Color Generator is an online tool to generate a random color or a set of random colors in HEX, RGB(A) or HSL color format.

You can generate a list up to 100 random colors at once.

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Settings Color Generator

Color settings

Random colors

List of random colors

Click or tap the color to copy the color code to your clipboard.


How to generate a random color?

You can generate a random color by using the following steps:

  1. Select the number of colors.
  2. Select your preference in color format: HEX, RGB, RGBA or HSL.
  3. Generate random colors.

What is Random Color Generator?

A online random color generator is a tool with which you can easily generate a random color or list of random (web)colors from the following different color types: HEX, RGB(A) and HSL colors.

The color generator can be extreme useful for designers who want inspiration or for developers for using a test color.

Random Hex Code Color Generator

A Hex Code Color is a color from hexadecimal values. A Hex Code Color starts with a # followed by six hexadecimal values. The 6 hex values are 3 pairs which represent the values red, green, blue. Hex Code Color is used a lot on websites and in designs.

When are you using a Hex Code Color generator?

Random RGB Color Generator

RGB stands for Red, Green and Blue. The numbers are RGB are going from 0 to 255 for each value and define the intensity of the color. rgb(0,0,0) is the color black and rgb(255,255,255) is the color white.

Do you prefer a RGB color generator or HEX color generator?

Random RGBA Color Generator

RGBA stands for Red, Green, Blue and Alpha which is working the same as RGB colors only the alpha is the opacity of the color which can be a value between 0 and 1. If using the value 0 for the alpha it will be transparent and with the value 1 there is no transparency and represents the full color.

In which cases are you using a Random RGBA color generator?

Random HSL Color Generator

HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness. The Hue stands for the color and can be a value from 0 to 360. The Saturation is the grayscale of the color in percentage from 0% to 100% from black to white. Lightness is a percentage from 0% to 100% from black to white.

Which other color generators would you like to see besides the HSL color generator?

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers of frequently asked questions about our tool in the list below. Is your specific question not in the list? Please send us a message via Facebook or Instagram.

The Color Generator is free to use for generating an unlimited number of random colors.

We support the following color types: HEX, RGB, RGBA and HSL.

There are 16,777,216 color combinations available in the Random Color Generator using the HEX color code notation. A hex color code starts with a # followed by 6 digits. Each digit can include the following one of the following 16 numbers of letters: "0123456789ABCDEF". The total possible colors will be calculated like 16 ^ 6 = 16,777,216 colors.