QR Code Generator

Create quickly your own personalized QR code for free.

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Create free QR code

With our free QR Code Generator you can quickly and easy create your own QR code. Enter the text, link or address which you want to include and generate your personalized QR code.

Creating a QR code is free without any limits. The QR code is valid indefinitely.

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QR code

Download QR code

Click the download button or right click on the image and choose "save image as" to download the QR code.

QR Code Generator

How to create a QR code?

Create your own personalised QR code in the following steps:

  1. Enter your text, phone number, address or link.
  2. Generate QR code.
  3. Download or save QR code.

What is a QR Code Generator?

A QR Code Generator is a free tool that helps you to easily create a personalized QR code. The QR code can contain any text, address, location, phone number or link. The QR codes can be scanned by the camera of most mobile phones, or you could use a QR code reader.

The QR code that you generate with our tool will not expire. All data is embedded inside QR code itself and not stored on our server.

What is a QR code?

A QR code, also known as Quick Response code is a two-dimensional barcode. It can contain various data and information, like text or URLs. You can read the QR code by scanning it with a QR Code reader of camera of a phone.

Why use a QR Code Generator?

There are many use cases for creating a QR code, some examples:

  • Sharing a location or address.
  • Create a link to your website or landing page.
  • Share a phone number or email address.
  • Create links for customers to leave a review.
  • Create a link to online payment.
  • Sharing information or URL in a magazine.
  • Create link to download an app from the App Store.
  • Redirect users to social media channels.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers of frequently asked questions about our tool in the list below. Is your specific question not in the list? Please send us a message via Facebook or Instagram.

You can enter any text, location, phone number, address and URL in our tool. We don't support images inside the QR codes.

The QR codes from the QR Code Generator will never expire and will exist forever. All the information and data is inside the QR code using the black and white dots. Please be careful when using private and sensitive information inside a QR code with sharing the code.

The QR code generator is 100% free and can be used without any limits for all your QR codes. We would love if you would share the QR code generator with all your friends and colleagues.