Find Instagram Username

Get any Instagram username from an Instagram user ID

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Instagram Username Finder

Do you have an Instagram user ID and do you want to know which account belongs to that ID? You can enter the user ID in our tool and we will look up the Instagram username.

There is no need to log in with Instagram and you can just simply enter the ID and press Search Instagram username to find the user.

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Instagram User settings

Instagram user ID
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Instagram user

Instagram username
Instagram ID

How to find an Instagram user by ID?

You can find an Instagram username by ID in the following steps:

  1. Enter Instagram user ID.
  2. Get Instagram username.
  3. Share, print or copy Instagram username.

What is find Instagram username by ID?

Instagram username finder is an online tool to look up an Instagram username based on an Instagram user ID. This tool can not only be used for your own Instagram account, but for any Instagram profile to search for a username.

The tool can be used for free and does not require you to log in with your Instagram account.

What is an Instagram username?

An Instagram username is a unique identifier in lowercase letters to identify a single user of the social platform Instagram. A username can only be chosen by 1 user and is unique to that user. The username will be used to define the Instagram profile and can be used to mention or tag other users.

Instagram username will always start with @ before the name, e.g. @commentpicker. The character limit of an Instagram username is 30 characters. Each profile has besides a username also a unique numeric user ID.

Where can I find my Instagram username?

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Navigate to your profile page by clicking your profile image.
  3. Your Instagram username is on the top left.

Any issues with getting the Instagram username or user ID? You can always send us a message on Facebook.