What is a YouTube Video ID Finder?
The YouTube Video ID Finder is a simple online tool that helps you quickly search and find the YouTube video ID of any regular YouTube video, YouTube Shorts, or Live Video. Just enter the YouTube video link, press Get YouTube Video ID to lookup your video ID. It's free to use, and no login is required.
How to get a YouTube Video ID from a YouTube link?
You can also quickly find a YouTube Video ID from the URL in the browser or via the YouTube app.
Find YouTube video ID in YouTube app:
- Open YouTube app.
- Open YouTube video.
- Click the share button and select link.
- The URL is now copied to your clipboard.
- Paste the URL anywhere.
- Get the YouTube video ID from the URL, which is the part after the last slash "/".
Example: The YouTube video ID in the video URL "https://youtu.be/30KqRUvegu4" is "30KqRUvegu4".
Find YouTube video ID via browser:
- Navigate to YouTube video.
- Copy URL from the browser address bar, eg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGwWNGJdvx8.
- YouTube Video ID is the part after "?v=" and in some cases until a "&".
In some cases a YouTube video URL looks like the following format: "https://youtube.be/JGwWNGJdvx". In that case the video ID is the part after the last slash "/" and before a "&".
How to find a YouTube video link?
You can find and copy the link of a YouTube video via the YouTube app or via any browser in the following steps.
Copy YouTube video link from YouTube app
- Open the YouTube app.
- Navigate to the YouTube video.
- Press Share.
- Press Copy link.
![Copy YouTube video link from the YouTube app.](/assets/images/youtube-link-app.jpg)
Copy YouTube video link via a browser
- Open YouTube in your browser.
- Navigate to the YouTube video.
- Copy the link from your browser address bar.
![Copy YouTube video link from the browser.](/assets/images/youtube-link-browser.jpg)
You can also press Share > Copy below the video. The YouTube video link is now copied to your clipboard. You can paste it in our tool.