By Koen Knol on .

Are Giveaways Allowed on Instagram?

Yes, you can run a giveaway or contest on Instagram, but it must comply with Instagram's official promotion guidelines. These rules ensure that your contest is legally sound and properly managed.

You can find the detailed guidelines on Instagram's official website: Instagram Promotion Guidelines

One of the key points from the guidelines is that you, as the organizer, are fully responsible for the legal operation of your contest. This includes setting the official rules, defining eligibility requirements (like age and residency), and ensuring compliance with all applicable laws.

Requirements Instagram Contest

To run a legal giveaway on Instagram, your contest rules must include the following:

  • A release of Instagram: Make sure each participant releases Instagram from any liability.
  • Acknowledgement of Instagram’s non-association: Clearly state that the contest is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Instagram.

Here's an example of how you can include this in your contest rules:

"This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with, Instagram. By entering, you agree to release Instagram from any liability related to this promotion."

Which Instagram Contest Rules Are Allowed?

There are some common practices on Instagram contests that you might wonder about. Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions:

Can I ask people to tag friends in comments or photos for an entry in the contest?

Yes, it's allowed to ask participants to tag friends in comments. However, you cannot ask them to tag themselves in photos where they don't actually appear. Make sure the tagging is relevant and accurate.

Can I ask people to follow my Instagram account for an entry in the promotion?

Yes, it is allowed to require participants to follow your Instagram account as part of the entry requirements.

Can I ask people to share an Instagram post to their story for an entry in the giveaway?

Yes, you can ask participants to share your post to their story as part of the contest entry.

To ensure your Instagram contest complies with all rules and regulations, follow these steps:

  1. Announce the prize(s): Clearly state what participants can win and how they can claim their prizes.
  2. Set the timeline: Specify the contest dates and the time zone in which it’s running.
  3. Explain how the winner will be chosen: Let participants know when and how the winner will be selected, for example, using an Instagram Comment Picker.
  4. Include entry rules: Outline what participants need to do to enter the contest (e.g., follow your account, tag friends).
  5. Legal restrictions: Include any age, residency, or other restrictions that apply.
  6. Instagram disclaimer: State that the contest is not associated with Instagram, and that participants release Instagram from any liability.


Running a successful Instagram contest can significantly boost your engagement and grow your audience. By following these guidelines, you can ensure your giveaway is both effective and compliant with Instagram's rules. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out.